This activity is supported by educational grants from Salix Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Biotech, Inc., administered by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, and Olympus.
Jointly provided by the Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services (RMCHCS) and the Southern California Society of Gastroenterology (SCSG).

2022 SCSG GI Symposium Faculty
GI Symposium Course Directors
Gareth Dulai, MD
Kaiser Permanente
Eric Esrailian, MD, MPH
UCLA Health
Vinay Sundaram, MD
LA LIVE! Course Directors

Kenneth Chang, MD, FACG, FASGE
UCI Health
Simon Lo, MD
V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS
UCLA Health
Thomas Savides, MD
UCSD Health
CE Nurse Course Course Director

Tammy Harper, NP-C
Keck Medicine of USC
Presenting Faculty
Rajeev Attam, MD
Kaiser Permanente

Marcia (Mimi) Canto, MD, MHS
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Parambir S. Dulai, MD
Northwestern Medicine
C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP
Washington University in St. Louis

Stephen Kim, MD
UCLA Health
Jennifer Phan, MD
Keck Medicine of USC
Wilson Kwong, MD, MS
UCSD Health
Mark Pimentel, MD
Sammy Saab, MD, MPH, AGAF
UCLA Health

Jason Samarasena, MD
UCI Health

Adarsh Thaker, MD
UCLA Health
James L. Buxbaum, MD
Keck Medicine of USC
Lily Dara, MD
Keck Medicine of USC
Gene Im, MD
Mount Sinai
William E. Karnes, MD
UCI Health

John G. Lee, MD
UCI Health
Linda Anh Nguyen, MD
Stanford Health Care

Douglas J. Robertson, MD, MPH
White River Junction VA
Tamira E. Robinson, RN,
Kaiser Permanente
Jenny S. Sauk, MD
UCLA Health
Andrea Shin, MD, MS
Indiana University Medicine
Rabindra R. Watson, MD
Bryn Willson, MD
Shelby Yaceczko, MS, RD-AP
UCLA Health
Sarah Sheibani, MD
Keck Medicine of USC